2022 Thermaltake RAM MOD Invitational Season 1 Brings Eight Talented Modders Together to Modify Our TOUGHRAM XG RGB Memory Our RAM Modding Competition is Back!

2022 Thermaltake RAM MOD Invitational Season 1
Brings Eight Talented Modders Together to Modify Our TOUGHRAM XG RGB Memory
Our RAM Modding Competition is Back!


Taipei, TaiwanMarch 23rd, 2022Thermaltake, the leading PC DIY brand and the number one choice for PC modders worldwide, is pleased to announce that our RAM modding event “RAM MOD Invitational” will be starting today! Within a month, eight contestants from Australia, Greece, Hungary, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines, the U.K., and the U.S.A. will be modifying our TOUGHRAM XG memory modules into their own design.
This is the third consecutive year that Thermaltake is holding the RAM MOD event; this time, participating modders are given a specific time frame to modify the RAM heatsinks, without changing the overall appearance and layout of the RAM itself. Contestants must only use our TOUGHRAM XG modules and cannot add the ram to a motherboard or a PC build. However, they can create a stand or platform for the modules but the overall modules must remain intact with the original design as the main focus.
Contestants will fight for the top three positions for a total cash prize pool of $5,000 US dollars, and will be graded by their originality, design concept, final photos, and their video quality. If the contestant made a stand for the ram, the modder would need to show both with stand and without stand photos and videos.  
Grading will be done by the Thermaltake judges and the TT CEO, and also carefully selected professional modders. Tt community members will also contribute to 30% of the final scores for each contestant. So, don’t miss out on the chance to win some amazing prizes (including Riing Quad 12 RGB Radiator Fan TT Premium Edition, TOUGHRAM XG RGB Memory DDR4 and more) during the prediction giveaway event and the final giveaway event by joining the Tt community and showing your support for your favorite RAM mod!
For more details on 2022 Thermaltake RAM Mod Invitational Season 1, please visit:
Official Website – https://rammod.thermaltake.com/2022s1/
Tt Community Forums – https://bit.ly/3uAASo3
2022 Thermaltake RAM Mod Invitational Season 1 Highlights
Built with high-quality components and came in black and white versions, the TOUGHRAM XG RGB features a unique design with 2 different colors of aluminum and trimmed with a chrome stripe in the middle, and 16 LEDs for a more dynamic lighting experience, providing high gaming performance with vivid RGB colors.
For more information of TOUGHRAM XG, please visit: https://bit.ly/3IIVZdt
Meet the Modders
Ethan Cooper, is a modder from Australia and also the founder of TAGMods. He has been building custom PCs and Consoles since 2015 and he has participated in several Thermaltake’s events such as CaseMOD Invitational and NeonMaker Lighting Mix Invitational.
George Antonopoulos, is a professional PC modder from Greece. Custom watercooling solutions and hard tubing are his specialties, and all his works are done in his personal lab in Athens. More works can be seen at overchilled_pcbuilds.com
Balazs Szabo, aka BaluC, is a Hungarian modder who starts making mods since 1994. To him, modding is a creative way to see the world, and he believes modding is more than a contemporary art; it is where one’s creativity and fantasy are embodied.
Michael F Samsin, be known as tantric, is a designer and case modder from the Philippines. He started modding as a hobby around 2005 and now he is doing modding as a full time job. Michael is an experienced modder who has participated in many modding competitions.
Sanja Bhanu, a modder from Sri Lanka who is always try to incorporate something technically new to all of his MODs and create something that's both Art and Technology. Modding becomes an integral part of his life and the term 'Modder' has become the way he explains who he is.
Pakawat Chaiboonma, aka EPIC, is a modder from Thailand. Pakawat always tries to create new works, even there may be hard times, he believes obstacles also bring new things. In many Thermaltake events you can see his creative works, such as in CaseMOD Invitational and NeonMaker Lighting Mix Invitational.
Alex Banks, aka Praetex Design, is an avid PC modder from UK since 2012. Being an expert of using CAD and machining focusing on distro plates and custom, scratch-built cases, Alex keeps challenging himself and discovering different techniques and possibilities in works.
Calen Safler, a modder and also the owner of “Envious Mods” in the USA, jumps into the modding world 8 years ago. Today he builds custom modded PCs for companies, manufacturers, the tech industry for shows throughout the world; Modding becomes a part of every aspect of his life.
How to Vote and Voting Rules
A weekly voting event will be held on the Tt Community forum and prizes will be given out to members who vote. You can choose to vote via desktop or mobile devices.
The Tt Community platform (http://community.thermaltake.com/) is open to all users. We welcome you to join us by interacting and sharing valuable information and experiences with one another. Most importantly, your opinions and ideas will help us better understand your desires and expectations of our products and services. Don’t hesitate; come register and vote for your favorite modder right away!

Published at: 2022-03-23 / 1206 Ansichten